Esther Chen is 10+ years old and has been learning piano at age of 6 and violin at age of 9. She currently studies with Joyce Lai (violin) and Mrs. Aster Lai (piano). She has performed violin at many places and she is playing as a first violist at Canadian Sinfonietta Youth Orchestra. She has performed at many places, going profusely to PCCF (Peoples’ Church Chinese Fellowship) to perform violin.

Esther has won many awards, receiving First place winner and scholarship in Piano & Speech Arts at the North York Music Festival in 2017. She just received First Honours in RCM level 9 for piano and First Honours for music theory in level 8.

Esther also enjoys ballet and is pursuing level 4 in Royal Academy of Dance.

In her spare time, she loves to go running, rocky climbing, do art, and play with her younger sister, Grace.